
Every individual on this earth must participate in at least one bacchanal (carnival). The experience is invigorating. Check out the "Carnivals" tab as I aim to accomplish my dream of participating in every worldly carnival before time's up.


¿Tú entiendes español? ¡Buena! Amo el baile "Flamenco. Me gustaría para alguien enseñarme cómo hacer este baile. Amo las culturas de muchas diferentes países y religiones, incluyendo España, Muslim y más. Type "flamenco" in the search bar for more.

Fashion Week

I'm not the biggest fashion geek but I do enjoy it. Mercedes Benz Fashion Week is a very important week in the fashion world. I've had the opportunity to enjoy a few other events also. Type in "Fashion Week" in the search bar for more.

Las Vegas

Las Vegas has been one of my most life-changing experiences in regards to nightlife! Check out the "Travels" tab to uncover other fun trips!

City of Champs

I love sports because I love a challenge. I have extreme pride for Boston also! Check out "sports" under the "More Attractions" tab for sports-related posts!

Rockefeller Center

There is always something to do in the city of no sleep! Join me in the NYC journeys (and more cities) found under any of the "Travels", "Carnivals" and "More Attractions" tabs.

Bon Appétit

FOOD! Need I say more? I LOVE FOOD. I eat a lot proudly lol. Check out a few of my Boston and NYC recommendations under "More Attractions" for brief reviews.

Easter in Jamaica

Love to travel? We have something in common! After reading a few posts on this blog, you'll be ready to pack your vacation bag with me.

En El Tiempo de Las Mariposas

"In the Time of the Butterflies' is a remarkable movie that shares the true story of 3 girls from La República Dominicana fighting against their country's dictator. This is my favorite heroine story to date. Type "politics" in the search bar for political opinions.

Live, From Radio City!

There are more perks being a city-girl than any other type of girl! Too many. Daytime, late-night, or cultural shows can be found under the "More Attractions" tab.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Bluest Eye!

"Love is never any better than the lover. Wicked people love wickedly, violent people love violently, weak people love weakly, stupid people love stupidly, but the love of a free man is never safe. There is no gift for the beloved. The lover along possesses his gift of love. The loved one is shorn, neutralized, frozen in the glare of the lover's inward eye."

I have just finished my 3rd novel by Toni Morrison, and yet again, I am speechless. Phenomenal, The Bluest Eye was phenomenal, all of that and more. Morrison's adroit writing seems complex to all who do not understand the message she gives throughout this work of a masterpiece. And still, even those without a wide base of strong vocabulary has the ability to understand Morrison's writing because the picture she paints is very clear.

Morrison has a great way of putting emphasis on the right things. She hardly ever starts off with a dialogue. Instead, she relays to us all the background information of  the person to be discussed, so the actions that will be told in the dialogue can be understood way before we even get there. Her writing skills are amazing. It baffles me how all of her books that I've read is actually poetry, prose. A novel with thousands of words still morphs into prose. For a person that loves dialogue, he/she cannot and will not put his book down even though dialogue is at a minimum. When the dialogue comes, your excitement reechoes a high. The book is that good.

Below is an excerpt from Morrison's own opinion on The Bluest Eye, found at the end of the book. This explains what I previously mentioned about giving us background information before actually telling us what happened. It is a critical tactic she uses repetitively in order for us to understand why the action took place, while also forewarning us of something that society would consider rather unmoral, deviant.

"This forgrounding of 'trivial' information and backgrounding of shocking knowledge secures the point of view but gives the reader pause about whether the voice of children can be trusted at all or is more trustworthy than an adult's. The reader is thereby protected form a confrontation too soon with the painful details, while simultaneously provoked into a desire to know them."

In fact, her books are too powerful. Even though they are all fiction, they are based on real problems blacks have had since being oppressed unlawfully, immorally. I have concluded that I cannot read her books back-to-back. Way too powerful. It also takes a while, upon completion, for the book and its message to fully settle in you. You will even find yourself Googling certain meanings of quotes you came across. You shouldn't read her books back-to-back. You should take a few days to research and fully understand her work in length.

Work of art.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Going Natural WITH Weave

 I must say, one of the worst things I could have ever done was perm my hair. I truly had a very unique type of hair. It would go from beautiful & natural curls, to Black Panther-afro, to silky-long, straightened hair. More sooner than later, what my mom forewarned eventually proved itself. My fair started to fall out because I thought  could take care of it just like I did when it was natural. Wrong! Perming your hair is so bad. All I could do was straighten my hair. The curls no longer showed and even though my hair was long, it was still thinning out. I had no choice but to cut it all off. It was time to begin a new and stick to NATURAL.

All natural hair

I started to get into the whole weave thing. At first, I was reluctant and always bad-mouthed extensions/weaves because I thought people were unknowngly hiding their true beauty. But then I discovered how wonderufl sewing in weave actually is. This past December 2011, I put weave in my hair, took it out in April and it grew SO MUCH. If you could see the different colors in my hair, you'll be able to see how much grew since December. I also colored it in December. So all of the black is new growth!

I now realize that weave is not bad at all. It is probably the quickest way (in my opinion) to grow your hair. I'm not a big fan of it in general, because it also means I have to take care of it (which I'm bad at), but at least you can style weave and look really awesome in it. I'm now 75% natural!

Try weave!

Barbie's & Bianca Star's 21st in Vegas!

We hustled as soon as we got to the hotel. That's what Vegas is for.


Vegaasssssss! Come back to me! I had the time of my LIFE with my co-birthday girl, Barbie! 

I had 4 parts of my 21st birthday celebrations: the pre-birthday, the actual birthday, Vegas, and my party. All were phenomenal, but obviously Vegas stands out. 4 hours before my flight from NYC, I had to shower, pack, and get to the airport after hardly recovering from the night before. Of course I made miracles though. Upon arriving in Vegas, we saw a lot of country heads and college kids. We soon realized that it was both the weekend of the Country Music Awards AND Spring Break. Literally, until this day, 4 months later, all I hear in my head is "DON'T MAKE ME GET BUCK IN HERE!"

My life gets more interesting as I age. I do it for myself. I live by my rules only. Can't be a follower if no one else is doing what you're doing.

Thursday, Mar 29:
B and I arrived at Caesar's Palace, checked in, and fell in LOVE with our room and our view. We enjoyed the spa tub for a few hours before getting ready to head out. We honestly didn't want to leave our room due to the beautiful view. We eventually did though. We went on a walk to view a little of Vegas, stopped for some McDs, until we ended up getting drinks and vibing at the Rockhouse. We eventually got to Drais around 5am and got comped because one of the promoters liked us (literally everything is free if a promoter likes you). "Now you're just somebody that I used to know" were another set of lyrics that couldn't get out of my head because of Drais. That song was the anthem on all of the house clubs. We didn't leave until after 7am!


Time for Drais...

Friday, March 30th:
After coming in after 7am, we slept until 10am. We went to the Caesar's pool at 11am. WHAT an experience. It's literally a classy playhouse, if that makes sense. Drinks are being catered to you from left to right. There are bars in the water, and everywhere you turn there's a hot dude waiting to give you a fresh towel. A little later we headed to Grand Lux Cafe in the Palazzo to enjoy a birthday dinner treated to us. Chateau St Michelle was the bottle choice of wine. After a good eat, we headed to the casino and wasted (what I would call too much) money on blackjack and roulette at the Venetian. After doing some more browsing around Vegas, we ran into a Cinnabon! I LOVE Cinnabons and they removed all of them from Boston, so I've always felt destitute. Anytime I embark upon one I get so happy.
We to the Numb Bar at Caesar's to get a massive drink, then played some more roulette. I now understand why and how gamblers gamble away all of their money. It's an addiction. We then decided that we should nap, we were literally on no sleep since we left NYC. We slept from about 9:30pm to 2am. A few nice fellas that we met (one happened to be in the NFL) who took us out to dinner, invited us to XS in the Encore. Literally, Barbie is my only witness to how spectacular that club is and what we experienced just as we were walking in. Our friends had champagne bottles in their hands with a whole lot of groupies around dancing with them too. Everyone was DRUNK. As we approached and made our appearance known, the girls cleared out and we decided to have a little fun ourselves. Boss. After leaving, we ALL headed to Denny's for some after-club food at about 6am.
View from our hotel room of the massive pool area

Got our players' cards!

Birthday dinner for fresh 21-year olds at Grand Lux!

First time playing Roulette!


Finally, Saturday came! We slept until 12pm and got up to get ready for Lavo's crazy breakfast party! What a SCENE! The venue made you feel like it was 12am in the morning rather than 3pm in the afternoon! Shortly after, we did some gambling at Flamingo. I lost my Gucci glasses, ran back for it and didn't find it at the last machine gambled yet! But it turns out that employees do round-the-clock surveillance and sweeps to ensure that anything lost is found before a regular takes it. I LOVE Vegas casinos for this reason, a lot! We then went to Caesar's casino, gambled some more lol. Hit up the Numb bar to get some crazy-cool, massive drinks. got some food form the Cypress Street Cafe and then chilled with our new homies there for a while. Laughs on laughs on laughs. We rested a little back at our hotel room, then did a little shopping. While shopping, I stopped and took sight of the Bellagio water show that I always see in movies. how magnificent it was in person! Eventually got back to the hotel, got dressed, headed to Marquee for a few minutes. Came back to the hotel, and we finally headed out to Lavo for dinner, then went upstairs to the club where I believe Tyga was performing. I can't recall because we bounced shortly to head to Tao. Tao was the lasts pot of the night/morning with Trey Songz and a few others in attendance. AHHHHHH what a freaking day!

Lavo day-party

View form Numb bar in Caesar's

Classic! So beautiful!

Lavo for dinner

Lavo for clubbing (lol)


And finally, Sunday came. It was time to go home! B and I were leaving at separate times so I hopped in my taxi earlier then her. Got to the airport, connected at Charlotte, ate some Salsaritas, and headed back to NYC. What a time.

Take me back to Vegas!