Friday, July 1, 2011

Rochelle Alers & Zane

Alers and Zane are two wonderful African American female authors that I've come to adore over the past few years. As a preteen, I became enthralled in Zane books when the word was going around about her books being about sex. It was a big thing for preteens, as well as Sapphire, Sister Souljah, and Omar Tyree. However, developing into a young, mature woman, I began to stop reading one type of book, and expand my horizon to other types of books. Rochelle Alers has been a wonderful addition.

Alers and Zane, respectfully

Zane is a wonderful author, I am still in the process of reading her whole collection. She takes your imagination to places you have never even dreamed of going. It is impossible to put the book down once you pick it up. It gives you a few laughs and even a few steamy moments if you get too caught up into your imagination. I don't know how she does it, but Zane perfects her writing over and over again, through each book I read. One book is never a duplicate, but all books have the same concept of being in love, having fun, and living life. Nervous is one of my favorite books.

However, I've fell in love with Rochelle Alers' books. Her writing always gives me a piece of serenity. I am always able to block out my surroundings, whether it's on the train, poolside, or while I'm walking (yes, if it's that good) while I'm reading her books. It's a whole different world. I will never forget my first book that triggered me into reading her complete collection, Island Bliss.

I've finished the collections of a few authors including Karinne Steffans and Sister Souljah, but I'm working on a couple of more authors. Right now, I'm focused on the 30+ books I have left to read for Alers. She has over 50. I'm reading a great one so far right now, Bittersweet Love. My favorite, thus far, is Best Kept Secrets. I would not mind reading that book over again. It gives you hope when it comes to finding and being in love (whether it's for the 1st time or the 100th).

I'm not attempting to downplay an author, or put one on top of the other. Zane and Alers are two completely wonderful authors. If you are looking for imminent, extreme entertainment that sometimes can be beyond your imagination, pick up a Zane book, you won't regret it. If you're looking for a more realistic read that you could relate to your life and future, still entertaining, and happiness always being the result, go and get a Alers book. I personally find Zane books to be for the younger generation, and Alers to be for the older generation. However, some older cats need a little extreme entertainment and some younger peeps need a little reality sometimes. Whichever you choose, you will not regret.

Some Alers books

Some Zane books

I read a lot and books are expensive, so I check books out from the library. I completely recommend everybody to go to your local library and purchase a library card. I believe the ones in Boston cost a dollar and the ones in New York cost no more than 5. I tend to find the central libraries the most useful, you're able to utilize a variety of choices rather than in a small town library. New York and Boston's library systems are amazing because you can check in and check out the same book at more than one library. If either of these aren't your current city of residence, just Google it or inquire about it through peers. Feel free to visit the more prominent bookstores such as Barnes & Nobles and Borders also. All I know is, get your butt a book by one of these authors.

FYI: Alers is, in fact, my favorite author.

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