"Why are black people so talented?"
...is what Boryana said to me while we were watching The Roots perform on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon lol. That girl is crazy, but she was right. She went into a crazy peroration about how black people are so talented (born and raised in Bulgaria, she wasn't used to us yet LOL), and now she's in love with black people! Funniest thing ever, I'm dying right now writing this post. The Roots are truly a legendary and GREAT music group though. The way their music sounded in that NBC studio, the whole crowd was gigging.
In other news, Tracy Morgan spanked Shaq's behind on the show lol!

We went to the Late Night with Jimmy Fallon show and we had a BLAST! We didn't know who was going to be on the show at all, and then we found out SHAQ was there. We went crazy. Before the show started and before Jimmy came out, I was telling Bory about other shows I've always wanted to go to and suggesting we should go to a few out of state, e.g. Conan O'Brien, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. I was dispersing my infatuation with Conan and Jon to her and how they're FREAKING hilarious! Only a few minutes after the show starts and while Jimmy's talking (acting like he doesn't what's about to happen), Conan walks out of no where on the stage (you know how they always play that off ~_~)! We went fricking crazy! OMGOSH OMGOSH! He then proceeds to make some jokes relative to NBC kicking him out, and how Jimmy's studio used to be his lol. That was a quick appearance. After Shaq comes on, Jimmy talks about how hilarious a skit was that Shaq and Tracy Morgan did YEARS ago on Saturday Night live. They showed a clip on the show, and sure enough, it was damn right hilarious.

Then out of nowhere, Tracy Morgan comes from behind one of the NBC doors and the crowd went crazy! Shaq and Tracy Morgan embrace and then they REPEAT the same same freaking scene they did on SNL years ago, where Tracy plays Shaq's mom and then spanks Shaq's behind after missing a curfew lol. Tracy sat on Jimmy's couch and Shaq literally laid down on top of him so he could get his butt spanked. I guess Tracy was already in NBC studios since he does that other show with Baldwin and Fey. Hahaha I will never forget it! I will NEVER!!!!!
Great times with Bory. She always wants to kill me for being on my phone too much...EVERY single time we go to anywhere together haha. All my emails and important tasks come to my phone though, it's not like I'm chatting away with other people all the time. Love you Mickey Mouse! We had lots of fun.
Other shows I've been to:
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