I cannot stress enough on how important it is to get regularly checked for your health every year. Never less, at least more. There are lots of things that I do not understand about life, but one that has to be close to the top is people not getting regularly checked for their health. Doctors or dentists cannot follow up on every single human being living. That's preposterous. The most they can can do is give you a courtesy call to schedule your yearly physical. To be honest, they shouldn't even have to do that unless you have a memory problem. You should take it upon yourself to set up a doctor's appointment for your yearly physical, your dentist appointment for every 6 month cleaning, and any other appointment that you feel is necessary if you sense something is wrong. Don't limit yourself or underestimate what nature can do. Everyone is capable of having the worst happen to them. When my father died, that was it for me.

Not only did I continue to stay on my A game when it came to my dentist and doctor appointments (thanks to my mom), but I scheduled several neurology appointments, podiatry appointments, upon more, to take care of ME. Cancer, and other deadly diseases can be prevented from killing you if you catch it early. This means that you have to take it upon yourself to book appointments related to any disease you think you could possibly have (especially if it is hereditary, or if your skin color, drug/alcohol intake, and etc. makes you more prone to obtaining certain diseases). I realized that if my father was more adamant about his health, he could still possibly be alive today if his cancer was caught earlier. Stay on top of your health, don't let it get the best of you.

The other day my mom had a patient that was diagnosed with cervical cancer. She was dying, and the thing that pissed my mom off was that the cancer could have been prevented if the woman would only get a pap smear (which she always refused to). Do not be stubborn, let the doctors do what they have to do. You should also be on top of checking for STDs if you're sexually active. There are many free clinics that do this for you. STDs are more preventable with the use of condoms, rather than without them. If you do ever find yourself with one, it is possible to treat it. Whatever the case may be, you must always keep yourself as healthy as possible as long as you can help it. Nature takes its course and we can't really control what is destined to happen to us. The most we can do is stay ahead of the game and try to prevent or aid a health problem as early as possible. If you realized you haven't seen the doctor or dentist in a while, book an appointment ASAP.

Affording health care is another issue, but in America and Canada there are affordable opportunities for us all. You need to take care of yourself. If you do find that all medical professionals declare you as healthy, still continue to make appointments, while doing what you need to do on your part. That means eat healthy, exercise, watch your alcohol/drunk intake, and etc. You may not know it, but all of the aforementioned can very well prevent you from becoming unhealthy and obtaining diseases (like diabetes). Always stay ahead of the game. If you find that you feel something wrong within your body, don't hesitate to book an appointment. You may feel like you're doing too much having appointments all the time, but there can never be too much times (as long as you're not booking appointments every week, that's realistically unreasonable). It's always better to be safe then sorry.
condoms DO NOT prevent STDs... other than that great post =]