Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Vixen Manual: How to Find, Seduce, & Keep the Man You Want

Almost always when you hear the name "Karrine Steffans" you think Superhead. What the video bombshell is known for was formed into an autobiography of her first two books, Confessions of a Video Vixen and The Vixen Diaries.

 Karrine had quite a life. From her abusive childhood, to turning into a video vixen, to sleeping with the most famous celebrities, all of it is talked about in these first two books. Both her books mentioned many of the men she had relationships with, causing controversy in the media because of her "snitching." Some of the men had wives and families, some of them had small wee-wees, and some of them were secretly gay. 

However, it isn't her first two books that really caught my eye, it was her third and most recent one instead, The Vixen Manual. At first, I was a bit disappointed because I was looking for some juicy news about another celebrity she was ready to dish on. As I got further on into the book, I began to love it. Anytime I recommend this book to someone, they always say "Why? She's Superhead!" Oddly enough, this book has nothing to do with the first two. She does no type of "snitching" nor does she elaborate on her past, instead she takes a different turn. In this book, Karrine basically gives advice. Now I know what you're saying, "advice from a woman who's known as Superhead? Hell nahhh." But you'd be surprised. We all know that Karrine's life isn't a life that many females today would want to live. However, because of the experience she had, treatment she received, and the mistakes she has made, she has acquired wisdom a lot faster than many other females her age. 

She not only became the most famous vixen overnight, but she instantly became a best-selling author by the New York Times.

She lived a very fast life. In this book, she's able to give advice on everything she once failed at and learned how to overcome. In the list of my personal inspirational leaders, she is by far the most bizarre and unique, however we learn from the worst and we learn from the best. The Vixen Diaries became a savior for girls in different aspects of life. Whether it was regarding sex, how to be happy in life after making mistakes, going through certain tribulations in life, or the importance of being an independent woman, she detailed all. She revealed and admitted her mistakes and explained how she became a better woman today.

Here are a few of quotes I jotted down while reading:
Life isn't about who's coming to the party but who will be there to help you pick up the pieces when all the guests are gone. - Karrine Sreffans

Instead of looking for a man to make me whole, I was working hard at becoming self-contained and content so that when the right man came along he would find a complete woman, not a woman looking to be completed. -Karrine Steffans

Don't allow anyone to make you feel ashamed for only wanting to date a man who is successful in his chosen line of business and financially independent, or a man who commands respect among his peers or even unconsciously provokes fear and envy in them. -Karrine Steffans

Don't let the judgment and pressure of others deter you or make you bend to their will. -Karrine Steffans

Many of us know from experience, however, that there are plenty of insecure, immature, stupid little boys running around posing as men, who would happily prefer you to believe you're much less than you're worth. -Karrine Steffans

When it comes to women, men are just as attracted to strength and position as we are to those traits in them. -Karrine Steffans

I have always said, "The one thing none of my exes could ever say about me is that I did worse after they left." -Karrine Steffans

There will always be no-good men and drama-prone friends ready to swoop in and add more no-good drama to your life. Avoid this at all cost. -Karrine Steffans

There is nothing more attractive to a secure, successful man than a woman who shares the same traits. -Karrine Steffans

Every woman has a masculine side and every man, a feminine. -Karrine Steffans

Not only are our men paying attention to us, they are taking plenty of mental notes along the way. -Karrine Steffans

A man will observe all the little things about you, focusing particularly on those that annoy or frustrate him. Many times, he won't say a word, even as you are doing that very annoying thing. Then one day, he'll up and leave. You'll have no idea why because you weren't paying attention to all the things you do and all the things you don't. -Karrine Steffans

Never share your personal affairs with someone who is known to gossip or has shown they cannot be trusted. -Karrine Steffans

Whatever you do in the beginning to get a man is what it will take to keep him. -Karrine Steffans

Dear Men: Just because you've slept with a bunch of women doesn't mean you know anything ABOUT women.  -Karrine Steffans

By nature, women have a very high threshold for pain. We have to. We are the bearers of children, and that event alone can be excruciating beyond description. This is why we can take on so much, from having a career, to running a household, carrying children in our bodies for nearly a year, bearing and raising those children, and caring for our men in all the ways that they require. It's a lot. -Karrine Steffans

Someone who flirts all the time with every living thing is suffering from a major psychological issue and is not capable of being in a healthy relationship. -Karrine Steffans

If you find yourself with a serial flirter, the best thing you can do is get out...and fast! -Karrine Steffans

Every man has his season and every season has its reason. -Karrine Steffans

When a woman has herself together, she is better equipped to handle life's rough patches and unexpected losses, including the exits of boyfriends and husbands. -Karrine Steffans

Even though you're heartsick, if you can imagine to keep your mind and body well, your heart will have no choice but to follow. -Karrine Steffans

You can't blame someone for being themselves, but you can blame yourself for dating them. -Karrine Steffans

Use criticism as an opportunity to evolve. -Karrine Steffans

No man is really better or worse than the next, just different. -Karrine Steffans

I recommend it.

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