Rome was the first city I lived in, spefically from August to late September. Rome was HOT, literally and figuratively. The weather reminded me of Jamaica and those who know me know that I LOVE sun, I don't care how black I get. Those who know me also know that I love to do the majority of things people like to do myself. About 80% of my activity in Rome was done SOLO and it was intentional. I check off my to-do list faster and in the end I always turn out satisfied, that's what happens when you develop that awesome "I depend on no one" mentality. It's a GREAT thing that is highly recommended to get into if it isn't too late for you. The only thing I was honestly expecting to see when I hit Rome was the Colosseum. But after getting there, years of history that I learned since in Elementary School up until High School came back to me, especially from my High School, Boston Latin School. Rome was simply amazing! The attrcations that dated back to when Rome became the first civilization, the food (paninis, pizza, pasta, GELATO --- I AM NOW OBSSESSED WITH GELATO though I didn't understand the hype when I first got there), the nightlife, the weather, the cleanliness, everything was simply awesome. It is a city where you can walk everywhere. I could walk to the Vatican in 15 minutes. Now whenever I decide to go back to visit, I'm sure I will remember how to get around as before. Extremely beautiful city and I smiled non-stop as I browsed through the pictures to garner for this post.
The Attractions
I went to an infinite amount of places by foot, mostly solo, and developed a deeper understanding and love for art. I visited places I only dreamed of visiting (for instance, the Trevi Fountain that I always remembered was feautured in the Lizzie McGuire movie) and discovered places I never knew were even important (yes I did NOT know the Sistine Chapel was important, much less the most important church in the world with the most famous painters' in the world work on its ceiling *sews blonde weave in now*). You guys don't understaaaaaaaand how freaking enlightening and self-satisfying it is to be in the most historical city in the world, exploring history by yourself in beautiful weather. Not every picture is seen below, but most of the attractions I visited were: The Colosseum (after already seeing it, my friends and I accidentally got lost while trying to find the ONLY Jamaican restaurant in Rome and it was so AMAZING/SCARY/SHOCKING to see it at night with it lightened within --- like WTF is that The Colosseum my ni**a?) , Roman Forum, Paletine Hill, Teatro Pompeo (where Brutus and others stabbed Caesar), Pantheon, Campo de Fiori (I did lots of reading and eating of gelato here), the Tiber River (we'll get into that in The Nightlife section), Fountain of Moses, Trevi Fountain (I went back TWICE to toss coins after doing it wrong the first time and passed by countless times on accident -- starstrucked every time), Spanish Steps, Crypt of Goths, Forum Boarium, Via del Corso (the shopping street), Castel Sant'Angelo, Primavalle, Corviale, the Ecstasy of Teresa (DREAMT to see this), St. Peter's Church (I saw the Pope and got 3 rosary beeds blessed by the Pope for me, my mom and grandma -- 3 generations -- thought it would be cool), Sistine Chapel, Vatican City in general, and my Roman boo Tony took me on the sky elevator to the top of the Vittorio Emanuele II Monument overlooking Rome (you can see the Colosseum -- again) and he also took me to a dope, top secret spot where you can see the Vatican PERFECTLY through a key hole. It is truly the city of LOVE lol. I'm realizing now that I felt nothing but happiness there. I even saw a Ferari frenzy in front of an important church while sight-seeing with my class, and later learned that Italy is home to the Ferrari! I must sound so dumb to a car-head right now. And of course we just happend to be there for Fashion's Night Out! It wasn't Milan but it WAS Italy. I wasn't expecting to be in Italy for a FNO at any point in my life lol.
The Colosseum

The Roman Forum

Fashion's Night Out: Louis Vuittion, Valentino, Burberry and more

Click here to be directed to Fashion's Night Out (Rome) post
Spanish Steps

Drinking from the famous fountain in front of the Spanish steps -- Fontana della Baraccia

Vatican City

Self-explanatory: service is in session

St. Peter's Basilica

Michelangelo's famous sculpture in St. Peter's Basilica of Mary holding Jesus after the Crucifixion - Pieta

The view from the top of St. Peter's Basilica (you have to climb a million steps)

Sistine Chapel (ceiling) (if you look closely, you can see where Michelangelo painted God almost having a human intercation with Adam -- if you ever visit, you'll see this is what everybody will be looking for -- it's hard to find in Michelangelo's, yet again, extraordinary work)

The view from the top of the Vittorio Emanuele II Monument

Campo de Fiori

The Pantheon nuccccca (I prayed to Venus for love)

"Et tu, Brute?" Even you, Brutus? Caesar should've known you can't trust these mthr fkrs out here, even your best friends

The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa (one of my majors is Spanish, and if you are a Spanish major too you KNOW what this is. I love it so much that I will semi-explain it. Saint Teresa was in love with God and said she only achieved "ecstasy" with Him....yes, whatever you're thinking is exactly what's happening here)


The Knights of Malta (secret) Keyhole -- for a little juice on it -->

Castel Sant'Angelo

(This was normal to see -- everywhere in Europe)

Crypt of Goths (you can tell I had to sneak pictures)

Trevi Fountain!

(met up with my high school boo Linda, who was also studying abroad from her university :x)

Totally forgot who this was, but she's important, and what's left of her body is in there

Orvietto - a little part of Italy close to Rome

The food was amazing of course! I don't need to get too deep into this, but in the beginning I didn't see all that difference between the Italian food I ate in the States and Rome. Nah son, how wrong I was. There is very much A difference (I realize now) and gelato saves lives. I can't ever eat ice cream again without reminiscing on the real deal. If I was rich I'd buy a jet just so I can fly it to Old Bridge (where the Pope gets gelato) JUST so I can get a large caramel/mango/banana/strawberry mixture of gelato -- orgasm. It gets deep, it's unreal. However, all the food was awesome. Me being a Jamaican doesn't sit well with cultures that don't have a variety of food. Sooner than later (too soon) I was tired of the same ol' paninis, pasta, pizza -- that's literally all you'll find. I became desperate and started to search online for Jamaican restaurants and there is only ONE in Rome. It's called Jamrock and it was my SPOT. Every Thursday -- in there, and that's where I met my blue-eyed boo lol. The owners were amazing and so friendly. Being Jamaican really helped a girl out. I met Italy's dancehall queen and got into a few dancing sessions, the sketel part of me couldn't avoid it. The food was actually REALLY good, and I'm pretty sure I'm just not saying that because I was desperate. The curry chicken patties omgosh --- LIFE (my friends liked the dumplings more and thought I was crazy). Jamrock is also the spot Caribbean entertainers stop by and eat whenever they are in Rome, you'll see pictures around when inside (including Aidonia). I frequented Jamrock the most, but I also went to others. To name a few: Ottimo Ristorante, II Piccolo Diavolo, L'isola della Piza, Enoteca Barberini, Hard Rock Cafe, La Tana de Noantri (in the famous region of Trastevere -- famous for its restaurants), Obika, Miscellanea, Ristorante Cacciani in Eataly (I also found out there's an Eataly in New York City and recently passed by it -- it's much smaller), Pastarito (a few times lol), T-Bone Station, Wok Restaurant, San Marco Tacito and Becks & Becks.
Jamrock Restaurant

I forgot the name of the restaurant but we called it Euro Shots, because the shots only cost a Euro lol (no sh*t)

About to drink a shot of Whiskey and the most authentic Absinthe on the planet (must do if you ever go to Rome)


La Tana de Noantri - Trastevere

II Piccolo Diavolo

Ottimo Ristorante


Hard Rock Cafe



Enoteca Barberini

L'isola della Pizza

The Nightlife
And last, but never the least, because Rome was too awesome for there to be an ending, the nightlife. Now let me tell you, I was not expecting to hear Bands Will Make Her Dance in Studio 18 (went a million times after that). Neither was I expecting for there to be a Dancehall night at one of the parties on the historical Tiber River. YES, that's right, I said DANCEHALL not Reggae (I wouldn't be surprised if they were playing Reggae, all races love Bob Marley, but no they were playing Konshens honey). And YES, that's right, we were partying on the Tiber River! The river we learned about in Middle School! In fact, every summer there is a string of different parties that are hosted alongside practically half of the Tiber River. SICK! In addition to Mood, Scholar's and Drunken Ship, I had a great time. What probably topped it off for me was Zoobar though! Of course I would find out that there is a Danchall life in Rome the LAST Saturday I had in Rome. I felt like I was in Jamaica. It was unreal. My Rome boo showed me a great time and Zoobar will never be forgotten, the herbs won't either lol.
Studio 18

Tiber River parties




Wine in Europe = 1 euro = about 1 dollar

St. John's outdoor courtyard in the middle of the building. So convenient to just take an elevator from your room to serenity. I read my Bible and Fifty Shades a lot here.

Lol what my weekly food shopping frequently conistsed of: bread, coke, and 4 bottles of wine -- damn shame

Lol I lost my debit card and mommy had to send me a new one -- and she had to be overly lovey dovey per usual

LE STRUGGLE -- AGAIN (I eventually became a pro)

Post Rome final exams' self-reward

We don't want to study, we're in Europe for old times' sake

Basic necessities while abroad

If I would do it again? Yes, I would do it ALL over again (just not to live there, unless it's London, I'm more into different, cultured socieites like London, New York City, etc.). As I've stated and reiterated over and over again, I love Rome and I'm glad to say, "I lived there, I studied there, I partied there!" An unbelievable experience.
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