Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tips On Taking Better Care Of Yourself

Everyday I witness women battling their health. Obesity is a subject becoming popular day after day, due to the problem becoming bigger, day after day. Our skin isn't as soft and smooth as it was when we were preteens. We suffer from acne, blemishes, and other things that you just don't want on your face anymore! Taking care of yourself is extremely important. Not only is it good for your health, but it contributes to your self confidence. I also think it's important for me to take care of myself. I'm not obese but it's good to stay in shape. I, like many of us after becoming teenagers, lost the beautiful skin I once had. I then made it a mission to keep myself in shape, exercise, and take care of my overall body more. Thanks to my ambition, I'm feeling great today, and looking better than I ever did before due to my dedication.  I want to offer my readers some tips and advice on how to take better care of yourselves.

Facial Area
Now for those of you who have acne, or even something as simple as blemishes, I should warn you that it is NOT curable, but it is treatable. Doing these simple steps daily will eventually accumulate into you having that beautiful skin you once had.  It worked for me. 

1) Wash your face TWICE a day (not including when you shower/bathe). Washing your face is extremely important because we come into contact with germs everyday. You don't need to scrub it really hard, that can cause damage to your face. Massaging it with soap for about a minute is a better method. 
2) Avoid touching your face at all cost! We touch things everyday that people have also touched, and those people are probably not taking care of themselves, carrying unwanted germs. Yuck! It's disgusting to even think about it. I don't even want to know where those hands have been!

3) Carry hand-sanitizer everywhere. Make hand-sanitizer a priority product in your purse. Just like you carry your wallet and keys everywhere, you should take your sanitizer also. There are sanitizers that come in pocket sizes. They sell them at stores like CVS, Walgreens, Duane Reade, etc. This is the 3rd time I'm going to mention germs if you couldn't tell already. GERMS GERMS GERMS contribute greatly to the breakouts in your face! 
4) Take AT LEAST 2 showers a day, with HOT water. Keeping yourself clean is extremely important, common sense. Sometimes I would take up to 4 showers a day because of my love/obsessiveness for hot water and cleanliness, but you don't have to take it that far. Just make sure when showering/bathing, you really scrub yourself to get all the dirt you accumulated throughout the day off of you.  

5) When washing your face/taking a shower, use medicated soap, or soap that is good for your skin. You can easily research this on Google. We all have different skin so the soap that I use may not work for you. My mom orders this special soap off the internet called PURE CASTILE SOAP. Click the name to be directed to the website, if you're interested in buying. 
6) DO NOT SQUEEZE YOUR PIMPLES/BLACKHEADS. No matter how tempting it is, do not do it. It only worsens matters. It can add more germs to your blemishes when you use your fingers. It can also make more blemishes come up!

7) Want to get those scars off of your face? Use Idole Cream (click the link to order). At first when my mom introduced this to me, I thought it was bleaching cream. I said "hellllllll no!" But then I learned differently. It actually removes the scars from your face if you use it with a daily dedication. I use it every time I wash my face/bathe, that could be up to 4-5 times a day. It is NOT an overnight thing. Give it about 1-2 months to start seeing changes. 

8) Try not to use too much hair products. Hair products are also a big contribution to breakouts. The chemicals used in the products just simply aren't good for your skin. When you use them in your hair, the chemicals sneak their way to your face also. I don't know how, but I'm 100% that it DOES. Avoid this! There are other websites to back me up on this too!

#9 #10, & #11 also have to do with keeping fit. 

9) Avoid sugary foods! I'm not saying you shouldn't eat foods with sugar, is that even possible? But, an excess of sugar is TOO MUCH. Hence, excess. Too much sugar isn't good for your health, your face, or anything else for that matter! Too much sugar is the reason why so many people have diabetes today. When doing simple things, like making tea, use only a spoonful of sugar with a regular sized tea cup. That's all you need. 

10) DRINK LOTS OF WATER! Enough said. Come on guys, this is common sense. Water is purity. Drinking water is not only good for your health, but it also clears your face. Most of us know this already. 

11) Last, but certainly not least, is my favorite, use the steam room! Using the steam room isn't the most important, but it's my favorite. I am addicted to the steam room. If you are a millionaire, you probably have one in your house. If not, sign up for a membership at the YMCA or a local gym/fitness center. I've come to the realization that steam rooms are limited, there are not a lot around, so call and ask first. Usually you find saunas instead, or sometimes both (in my case, both). Saunas don't do as much justice as steam rooms do. Steam rooms are way more intense. You are supposed to stay in the steam room for no longer than 5 minutes, more than that can kill you as you will be informed if you sign up to join a center. I like to stay in there for 30 minutes straight, and after that I take breaks and continue to go in there for 15 minutes every time I take a break. Be advised, you are not me! I am crazy, as my mom would say. My body is equipped to it. If you want to challenge yourself and take yourself as far as I do, you HAVE to be healthy, in shape, and immune to the steam room. Do not say I didn't warn you. Also, to make it easier for myself to stay in the steam room, I always read in there (the other women will call you crazy), but it takes my mind off the fact that there is crazy steam blowing all over my body. For those of you who love to read, this helps a lot, trust me. The steam releases the toxins out of your body, killing the germs. It is LOVELY! The best thing about the steam room is that it requires no physical work besides sitting down. Just make sure you drink LOTS of water, it is critical. I usually drink almost a gallon of water every time I'm in the steam room. It's okay to bring water in there 

Follow these few steps with dedication and I ensure you that you will find some type of change in your skin.  Being as beautiful as you were before you turned a teenager!

Staying in Shape
Being small-boned or big-boned, we all want to be/stay in shape. That doesn't mean that you have to get down to 120 lbs, but it also doesn't mean you should be 300lbs+ either. Some of us are naturally bigger than others, in breasts, buttocks, etc, so we cannot help ourselves having all that ass, and the rest of that jazz! Staying in shape keeps you healthy. It is CRITICAL to your health, and also your self-confidence. Knowing that your healthy and in shape is a wonderful feeling. Here are few tips based on how I run things with myself. 

1) - For those of you who are willing, enroll yourself into a fitness center.
              1) After, do 100 ab workouts on any ab machine. Use the 50lbs weights (at least). I recommend
                  working your abs first because you will be too tired to do it after running the treadmill.
              2) Then, dedicate an hour to running on the treadmill.
              3) After your workout, go to the steam room, sit in there, and relax. Make sure to take breaks
                  and drink LOTS of water.

       - For those of you who cannot enroll yourself into a fitness center, exercise outside of one.
              1) Whether it's in your room, living room, or wherever, get down on the floor and conduct this 
                   ab work out. Watch the videos down below! 
              2) Jog for a half-hour around your neighborhood. I say a half-hour because jogging outside is more effective than the treadmill, so an hour isn't needed, but feel free to do that. Eventually you'll find a route that takes up a

       - For those of you who are willing, enroll yourself into a fitness center & exercise outside  
          of one also! This is my favorite. I've been in the first 2 situations before, and ended up in this current
         situation I'm about to speak of. I find this method more effective then any workout, you probably will
              1) Whether it's in your room, living room, or wherever, get down on the floor and conduct this 
                   ab work out. Watch the videos down below! 
              2) Jog for a half-hour around your neighborhood. I say a half-hour because jogging outside is more effective than the treadmill, so an hour isn't needed, but feel free to do that. Eventually you'll find a route that takes up a
              3) After jogging, make a pit-stop at your house, grab your water(s), grab your steam room gear,
                   and head to the gym. No treadmill or ab workout is needed. Instead, head straight to the 
                  steam room.

2)  Eat the right foods! Vegetables & fruits are always good for you, even the sweet ones. It helps if you actually like the foods. I love salad, so I have no problem eating it, same thing for mangoes, apples, oranges, etc. Green foods are always good for you. 

3) Burn calories, burn that fat off! Google what foods help you burn, in addition to working out. I found two articles online that I put to use. If you do not like the ones I use, you are more than welcomed to use your own. Take those articles and print them. Tape them to your wall somewhere in your room so you can always be reminded. 

4) Drink "Ballerina Tea" but be wise when consuming. This drink can make you lose instant weight but with certain circumstances. It is not healthy for your body. Losing rapid weight is never good for your body. My mother introduced me to this and she always warned me with precautions. You MUST use this drink while you are exercising. It balances out. Now I don't mean EXACTLY at the same time, but if you are going to use this drink to help you lose weight, then you should use it during a period in your life where you are constantly exercising. Not only is it healthier this way, but it always works better. I think consuming this drink once a day is fine. It causes you to use the bathroom at least once. The trick is, it doesn't kick in for a few hours so you will need to record how long it takes for yourself. Worst case scenario is you being somewhere in the public and you have no restrooms around you. With this drink, when you need to go, YOU NEED TO GO! Click this to be directed to a site where you can purchase this, they usually sell it in supermarkets though.
16 Things you should keep in mind:

1) You do not always have to eat healthy, but eat healthy more than you eat non-healthy. I come from a Jamaican culture, all I've eaten in my life is Jamaican food. There are other cultures like mine where plenty of the food is actually good for you, but some are not. Eat the food you want to eat. But be aware of what is too much and what isn't too much!

2) When jogging, use your iPod or MP3 player. This always keeps me going, and I usually forget about the time, which gets me through jogging faster. 

3) Never bring electronics in the steam room. It WILL be damaged. If you want to keep track of time, wear a watch. The steam room is INTENSE. You have been forewarned! 

4) Starving yourself, no. Limiting to yourself to 3-5 small meals a day, fine. Red meat is good for you, don't avoid it!

5) Too much oil in fried foods or any other type of food, not good.

6) We are all different in shape, body, and etc. The aforementioned has worked for me, but MAY not work for you. Some of these tips are common sense, so I'm more on the positive side of them being some aid to you. 

7) Sticking to everything I said DAILY is important. This is what I've been doing and it worked. If you cannot, try your best to. 

8) After you have seen progress, and you're where you want to be, don't stop! Keep the routines habitual. The methods I offered are programmed to not being too much over or under. So, you should always be at the place you want to be with out going overboard.

9) Always drink water! For staying healthy, staying in shape, and taking care of your face, water is good for all of these and then some! 

10) If you're going into a local steam room (like those at the fitness centers), you will encounter naked women. You need to be mature. Sometimes I go in naked, sometimes I don't. Usually there are separate bathrooms for girls and for women. Women bathrooms are 18+. I have been going in steam rooms since age 17, but it wasn't noticed by the older women because of my maturity. Girls' bathrooms do not have saunas and steam rooms. If you are uncomfortable, go in with just an underwear and a bra. The less clothes, the better -- it is more effective that way.

11) For those of you who are already fit and in shape (aka you look GREAT) but just want to stay in shape, you're probably going to come in contact with older, bigger women who are always pestering you about why you're in the steam room. Simply tell them what it is, or, laugh and ignore them. It is not common to find young adults like me in places like these, because people my age don't usually think about these things. My mind set is far beyond age 19. It doesn't matter how old you are, everyone needs to take care of themselves, so do what you need to do. 

12) Also when in the steam room, I like to stretch. I believe the heat in the steam room makes your body more relaxed,which makes it easier for you to stretch. Take advantage of the heat and stretch those bones out. Stretching is always good for the body. 

13) Have all healthy foods in your kitchen so when that midnight urge comes for snacks, you only have healthy options, no other choices. Keep the sweets VERY limited.

14) When doing the abs workout, push yourself. I usually do 20 of everything instead of the amount the instructor in the video gives us, which is only between 8-10.

15) Try not to surpass 1500 calories per day. Keep track of how many calories you consume each day by always keeping a pen and some form of notebook/sticky pads on you, and add them up as you consume. You are free to save the notes or discard them, if you'd like. Count how many calories you are consuming before you consume them! The following is a really great site for how many calories YOU PERSONALLY should focus on.

16) You know you have drank a lot of water when your urine is so light, it's close to white, still showing a hint of yellow. Be attentive.

17) The Salt Water Flush and the Master Cleanse are two ways to lose weight, also cleaning out your system of waste (waste that could have been building up inside of you for decades).

16) I offered methods of staying healthy/keeping fit that cost a significant amount of money and also that DOESN'T cost much money. I hope in some way, shape, or form, my advice can be catered to you. Good luck! 


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