
Every individual on this earth must participate in at least one bacchanal (carnival). The experience is invigorating. Check out the "Carnivals" tab as I aim to accomplish my dream of participating in every worldly carnival before time's up.


¿Tú entiendes español? ¡Buena! Amo el baile "Flamenco. Me gustaría para alguien enseñarme cómo hacer este baile. Amo las culturas de muchas diferentes países y religiones, incluyendo España, Muslim y más. Type "flamenco" in the search bar for more.

Fashion Week

I'm not the biggest fashion geek but I do enjoy it. Mercedes Benz Fashion Week is a very important week in the fashion world. I've had the opportunity to enjoy a few other events also. Type in "Fashion Week" in the search bar for more.

Las Vegas

Las Vegas has been one of my most life-changing experiences in regards to nightlife! Check out the "Travels" tab to uncover other fun trips!

City of Champs

I love sports because I love a challenge. I have extreme pride for Boston also! Check out "sports" under the "More Attractions" tab for sports-related posts!

Rockefeller Center

There is always something to do in the city of no sleep! Join me in the NYC journeys (and more cities) found under any of the "Travels", "Carnivals" and "More Attractions" tabs.

Bon Appétit

FOOD! Need I say more? I LOVE FOOD. I eat a lot proudly lol. Check out a few of my Boston and NYC recommendations under "More Attractions" for brief reviews.

Easter in Jamaica

Love to travel? We have something in common! After reading a few posts on this blog, you'll be ready to pack your vacation bag with me.

En El Tiempo de Las Mariposas

"In the Time of the Butterflies' is a remarkable movie that shares the true story of 3 girls from La República Dominicana fighting against their country's dictator. This is my favorite heroine story to date. Type "politics" in the search bar for political opinions.

Live, From Radio City!

There are more perks being a city-girl than any other type of girl! Too many. Daytime, late-night, or cultural shows can be found under the "More Attractions" tab.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Independent Woman

Independence makes a woman beautiful. They do not need to exhibit perfect beauty, if there's such a thing, on the outside to be a beautiful, independent woman.

There's one thing every wise woman knows and that's with age comes experience, which is an adage made into a beautiful word called wisdom. You constantly get better at skills that you have already honed, whether it is writing, dancing, singing, exercising, a sport, cooking, cleaning, anything--including being independent. Wisdom interplays in a female's life in more than one way: whether it's your kids, relationships, your career--whatever they are, you continue to learn from them, therefore learning how to avoid or handle any troubles one of them may bring. An independent woman uses wisdom and her hard work ethic to easily bypass troubles and move on much easier than the average woman would (when I say "uses wisdom" I mean ACTUALLY utilizing it--learning from past mistakes).

There are qualities of an independent woman that make her stand out from all of the rest. An independent woman stands out anywhere she is. You can feel the air as she walks pass you. Her aroma can be smelt. Her approach on things are acute. Her voice is heard. All eyes are ON HER. An independent woman senses bullshit from afar, and knows how to push bullshit easily aside. She KNOWS what she wants and she's going after it. She prioritizes her life, making day to day schedules on things that need to be done, that all is ultimately leading up to an important goal she has set for herself. Her toes are pedicured, her hands are manicured, her hair is presentable, and if on some days these aren't as so, she has been too busy but SURELY puts it on her "to-do" list by the end of the week. She keeps herself in shape, she makes sure she is healthy. She is always on the go, and even if it's just in a pair of sweats and a beater, you still know who she is and she looks just as good as if she was wearing a Balenciaga stunner dress. She is ABOUT things, she yearns to make moves. Sometimes, she does most things in privacy in fear of people just being extra baggage, lagging behind her, keeping her from going where she wants to go or slowing her down, while she is trying to make moves (you get my flow?), whether that's: running errands, going to the hair dresser, visiting the nail salon, shopping, even going to the club or out to eat by herself every now and then to treat herself.

How do I know these things you ask? I believe I possess these same qualities. I learned from the model figures around me. If I didn't, then I wouldn't be able to tell you any of these because I don't watch people enough to be speaking like this. I am not speaking from anyone's experiences except mines, I wouldn't have a right to do so. I am only 19 years old but with incredible (not necessarily meaning on the positive side) experiences from early ages in life, I have become independent. Not every young woman, as I, become independent this early in life, but it does happen in specific cases. I have acquired a strong sense of self, which was forced to enhance my common sense. In simpler words, I have been through things that the average teenager doesn't go through. Of course, these experiences only add to the wonderful teachings my parents have instilled in me from a youth, like respect. Respect was always something that I had to show and demanded to be shown to me. The one quality and God-giving gift that every independent woman has and wants is respect.

Respect is a serious thing for ladies, especially when you look at where we ladies come from. Look at the whole era of feminism. For CENTURIES, women have been fighting to become equal amongst men. We have fought emotionally and physically (physically being displayed in the famous bra-burning movement, and I'm particularly talking about the 60s when fashion was beginning to change). We have been fighting to be looked at and possess the capabilities just as men do, because we felt we deserved it (which we do). We have come a long way and we are finally here! But don't be fooled, nowadays a lady still has to fight for respect, she doesn't automatically get it. An independent woman just doesn't turn into one overnight. There is a good chance she had to fight for the respect she has as an independent woman. She went through experiences, negative and positive to earn her respect from both women and men. An independent woman is undoubtedly respected and she will have nothing short of respect. She doesn't even have to say anything, just watch her movements, and you know she demands it. She demands it for a reason, every independent woman has worked hard, whether it's getting that degree from college, starting her own business, or working diligently to own her first property. She has worked hard and deserves respect for a reason.

An independent woman should not be looked on as a mean woman. She donates to charities, does good things for people, even if it's dropping a coin in a bum's Dunkin Donuts cup every now and then. You usually only see the "rougher" side of an independent woman when she is trying to get down to business, or when she is demanding respect. I know I'm a nice person, aside from business.

An independent woman should not be looked on one who is afraid to love, or who doesn't have a man of her own. She just wants to makes sure that along with having a man to call her own, she always has something else to call her own (whether that be a Bachelor's degree, an -in-the-making goal, or even the possession of her own house and car). Why do I say this? Because when (or if) that man is no more or decides to get out of his place and attempt to call her out on how HE'S always doing the work or decides to leave, she always has something to look forward to (like her goals) and to call her own, to keep him in check and let him know what it is (you feeling me ladies?)! She doesn't take things like this too seriously because there are ALWAYS other things to worry about. An independent woman displays that she doesn't need a man, he's just there for personal pleasure. Everyone knows that love is a wonderful thing, and no one should be opted out of enjoying and sharing the feeling.

To end this, I recommend my readers reading two books. One that I have read a few years ago and one I have just finished reading today. I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou and The Vixen Manual by Karrine Steffans. Both women have different lives and were reared with different upbringings. Both are noteworthy figures today in the media for what I would rather say different reasons, two completely different people. But! Both books are what you can say are autobiographies that teaches lessons. Both women, because of wisdom, have turned into a bigger and better person person than they were before. Both have transformed into the independent woman.

I will be updating this entry or adding new entries related to this post as I grow older and achieve my own wisdom. My writing will be enhanced as the days go by, and I will bring new things to my readers that I progressively accumulate and learn throughout the time here on Earth God blesses me with. Do look forward.

                                      Destiny's Child - Independent Women Pt.1

The Tight & Short Dress...With Pumps!

What the hell is sexier than you driving home after a long, agonizing, excruciating day at work around 10pm, AND seeing a girl (with the rest of her girls) coming out of her car (doesn't matter what the make is) with a tight, short, form-fitting dress, some sexy pumps, a cute clutch, and a banging weave done RIGHT, walking to the club? Especially when the girl is fit and looks good! This, I find sexy! There's nothing that can beat this when going to the club, nothing. It's a simple look, but very very cute. Don't underestimate it. It can be cheap or it can can be expensive. It can be complimented with accessories, like the aforementioned clutch, necklaces, bangles, rings, fedora, tights, but just the dress and pumps can be just right! It can be so many things that you would just want to rock too!

This dress is also called the "freakum" dress thanks to my girl Beyonce. Of course there are other ways to dress when you go to the club, we all have our own style, but this is a classic that will never get old in my opinion. The thing is, it's not for everybody. Not everybody can present the look how it's supposed to be, but when it IS done right it is the sexiest thing. The store where I personally get my freakum dresses (and it never fails me) is American Apparel! There are countless other places where I have gotten freakum dresses but this is high on my radar. American Apparel can be cheap to some, or expensive to another bunch. For me, it's just WORTH IT! A freakum dress always compliments your body, it's form-fitting, that is...if your body was made for a freakum dress. SOMETIMES these types of dresses can be worn as cocktail dresses but NOT all the time, it depends on how appropriate the dress is for the occasion. Ladies, get that body together! Pull in that stomach, shave those legs & armpits, re-curl that weave, and adjust that bra. Pumps are simple. Any kind of pumps with any kind of freakum dress is fine. They are only two articles of clothing, so it shouldn't be that hard to put together. You can never go wrong with a freakum dress. Visit, go to the "dress" section and hopefully you will find the dress that fits you and the description I've just put fourth to you. And if you are a real lady, I know you know where to find pumps, every lady knows this! Get-to-the-go girl!


Beyoncé - Freakum Dress

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bacchanal Jamaica 2010!

This particular vacation to Jamaica was special for 2 reasons. 1) It was my first time going to carnival in Jamaica, and 2) It was my fist time ever playing mas (wearing a costume)! One of the best experiences of my life, even when it rained.

For those who don't know, carnival is a big event in South America, the Caribbean, and even in the states. I'm not sure about how certain countries conduct their carnival, but I know for Jamaica, Trinidad, and America, there are different groups that jump (dance) and in different costumes. Usually the fee is around US$100 but it is well worth it. My cousin, and my friend from NY who came with me, all jumped for a section called Bacchanal Babes. It was the only section that you had to apply for in order to get accepted or declined, and it was also the only section strictly for girls. Many of my people didn't get in, but luckily us 3 did. The costumes were GORGEOUS. I loved every minute being a Babe and the treatment we received. I also loved another group called "Frenchmen" costumes.


There were many advantages of being a Babe, when it came time for the hour break (to rest, eat, and drink), we had our own section separated from all other sections. It was like barbie town, all you seen was pink. Bacchanal is an all-inclusive event for all who are participating (all who are wearing costumes), so the food and drinks (including alcohol) were free. I should also note that the alcohol was in abundance. There were even trucks designated on the road to provide the Socaphiles with drinks. I loved this, seeing that this could NEVER happen in America. People easily get irresponsible. In in the Caribbean, it is a way of life.

From left to right: Shalisa Rose, Ashli Rose, Bianca Rose (my cousins). <3

With friends...
We were rained on, but it was all good because Jamaica was facing a drought! Glad to have water come on the day of Bacchanal, it only showed the importance of the event more! :)

More photos...

And lastly to end off this blog, here's a picture of Shalisa, Nancy, and I in Jamaica's newspaper, the Gleaner. We were front page! The only thing that was going through our head was, why us out of all people? Lol nonetheless we were ecstatic. Unfortunately Nancy and I already were on our way to NY, but the non-stop texts & Facebook messages were enough for us to understand what was going on. Indeed, the Easter break was a great one. I would do it all over again, same friends, same costume, same rain, same everything.

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