Unfortunately, we arrived to my cousin's family household -- a Ravens-run household (anti-Patriots). The Ravens ended up beating the Patriots in the AFC Championships. That was the only bad thing about the DMV experience (lol -- I'm trying so hard not to use LOL in my posts but it's hard when you're me :/). Her family welcomed us with so much warmth. We were fed, picked up, dropped off; they went over and beyond as hosts. Very appreciative of their hospitality and they inspired me to put a bar into my room too. -_-
I really cannot remember if these pictures are laid out chronologically correct (perks of writing a post a year later) but the next day we went sightseeing, of course! That's a must do when in DC considering the fact that it's the capital. We visited the World War II Memorial and for the first time, the MLK Memorial! Quite exciting considering the fact that we visited on MLK day. Considering the fact. Considering the fact. LOL. I also mistakenly led the clan to Jefferson Memorial instead of Lincoln Memorial, thinking that I would remember where to go from previous trips there. But when we got there, and I saw the Greek-like temple with tall columns MILES DIRECTLY ACROSS from us, I go in my head, "OH. MY. FU**ING. GOSH" waiting for someone else to notice. They were so mad, especially cause they're not from the city and aren't used to walking. I thought it was hilarious how disappointed I even was! No one clearly gives a crap about Thomas Jefferson (still hilariousssssss when I think about it --- like we were REALLY upset to see Thomas Jefferson, what did he even do to us?). But seriously, I'm not from DC, so it's not my fault. *flips hair*
And finally it was time for THE day of the entire weekend: the inauguration. Of course it was completely crowded from one side to the other. We watched a little bit of it from the Washington Monument (we caught the "swearing in") then we headed to the parade to catch a glimpse of Obama! We didn't see him, but we saw his presidential limo and that was realistically enough for me. It still felt incredible to know he drove right passed us.